Exam tips
How To Set Your Child Up For A Selective School
3 steps to setting your child up for a Selective School
Oct 20, 2023
What’s the best way to set your child up for Selective Entry Success?
Based on my own experience of passing the Selective Entry Exam and helping 230+ other students just last year… I’ve come to notice 3 key things that have the biggest impact on a child’s chances of success.
They are as follows:
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail
Students need some form of plan or curriculum in order to effectively prepare for the Selective Entry Exam. Without a plan, students will struggle to find the motivation to study simply because they don’t know what they should be doing.
Ideally this plan is a proven plan created by an expert. Any plan is better than no plan, but if you can provide your child with a plan that has been PROVEN to work for other students in the past, then you can drastically improve their chances of success.
Guidance is essential
Trying to prepare for the Selective Entry Exam without guidance is like trying to prepare for a Maths test without a teacher.
Students need ongoing guidance & support in order to maximize their chances of success on exam day. Ideally this is in the form of weekly classes, but students also need 1on1 support time in order to truly excel.
Without any 1on1 time, students generally become demotivated as they lack feedback - and so it’s essential that you can find guidance that teaches your child the concepts while also providing time for 1on1 support.
Students must be held accountable
It’s great to have a plan (and guidance to support that plan)... but what if your child simply doesn’t do any of the work?
The third and final thing that your child MUST have access to is accountability.
They need someone holding them accountable, looking over their shoulder and providing them with feedback as to how well they are progressing.
Without this accountability, students will struggle for motivation and they will be left feeling confused as to whether or not they are doing well or poorly in their preparation.
These 3 things are what will make the biggest impact on your child’s chances of getting into a Selective School… and when it comes to providing your child with these 3 things you really only have 2 options.
You can provide them to your child yourself…
Or you can work with an expert.
If you’re looking to work with an expert to provide your child with these 3 things, then you are welcome to book in for a one-on-one call with one of our team members using the link below:
On this call we’ll speak with both you and your child directly to ensure that they are provided with the structure, guidance & accountability required to succeed on the Selective Entry Exam.
Our calendar has a limited number of available times and so if you want the chance to speak with one of our experts, then you’ll need to book in fast.
Click here to book in for your free one-on-one call today:
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