Selective Schools
Are Selective Schools Really Worth It?
My experience of attending Selective Schools - are they worth it?
Sep 9, 2023
When I was in year 7, I had a good friend called Michael who always achieved similar grades to me.
He was smart, intelligent and we always loved to compete against each other in the year 7 tests, assignments and exams.
I remember at the time, we were both attending a public school where the average ATAR score was around 80 (meaning the ‘average’ student scored in the top 20% of the state)...
And for that reason, we both aimed for around an 85 ATAR, given we thought we could do slightly better than the average.
Fast-forward 6 years and I went on to achieve a 97.65 ATAR while he achieved a 86 ATAR.
I got accepted into Law at Monash University while he got accepted into Arts at Deakin.
I say this not to brag, but instead because it highlights an extremely important point.
Both of us had near-identical levels of natural intelligence.
We always scored similar marks on our year 7 tests & exams…
And our natural level of ‘genius’ was pretty much the same.
So what was the difference?
Well the difference was that he stayed at the public school from years 7-12 where the average ATAR score was 80. He achieved just above his desired ATAR score with an 86.
I on the other hand, got accepted into a Selective School. This forced me to re-align my expectations in order to fit in with the other students and instead of aiming for just an 85, I changed my goal to a 95.
In the end I surpassed my own expectations, scoring a 97.65 and getting into Law.
When it comes to Schooling, nothing will make a bigger impact on your child’s academic success more than who they associate with.
If your child becomes friends with students all aiming for 85 ATARs… then it’s extremely likely that they’ll score around an 85.
Likewise if your child becomes friends with students all aiming for 95 ATARs… then it’s also likely that they will score around a 95.
Both Michael and I had near-identical levels of natural intelligence but we achieved vastly different outcomes.
As motivational speaker Jim Rohn famously said…
“You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with…
Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future”.
If you’re looking to help your child get accepted into a Victorian Selective Entry School then feel free to book in for a one on call by clicking the link below:
On this call we’ll speak with both you & your child one-on-one and set them up with a roadmap towards a placement into one of the Selective Schools.
Go here:
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